WinRail 12.0

WinRail 12.0

A computer software product for designing and drawing model railway layouts
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

WinRail is an application for drawing and designing model railway tables or layouts.
This application comes with all kinds of elements and features to cover any detail on model train layout design: tracks, crossings, angles, virtual vehicle for checking clearance, signals, catenaries, etc. including all the standard scales and gauges. Also, user can draw additional track sections and buildings, by means of the design features and save them for later uses.

The program supplies several example layouts to ilustrate and help user in the first constructions.

User can, as well, download libraries from other manufacturers, 3D buildings, stations, engine sheds, etc. The application includes a large range of libraries of many model railroad manufacturers' products

The application supports different levels for the elements using a layer concept in design. Catenaries are automatically calculated. Also, all the electrical wiring can be created for a phisical layout construction.

The application can print a complete set of scaled printings defining the whole layout.

IS Senior editor
Ignacio Solves
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Clear user interface and many options ready to use


  • None

Comments (1)


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Douglas Bell
Do not get involved with winrail. They will not support software after a whole. You will loose program and you money.
Bad news

Feb 7, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply

